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What to do if you have been assaulted

​If you are not safe or need immediate help

On campus: Call security (414) 847-3300
Off campus: Call 911

Seek medical attention as soon as possible after a sexual assault

Sexual Assault Treatment Center

The Sexual Assault Treatment Center (SATC) at Aurora Sinai Medical Center, is accessible through the Emergency Room entrance. Staff there can address all issues including crisis counseling, injuries, STI (Sexually Transmitted Infection) testing and treatment, pregnancy and the gathering of physical evidence, as well as referrals for further care. All contact with SATC staff is confidential. SATC can be accessed in person or by phone (414-219-5555) 24 hours a day.

Refrain from changing clothes, bathing, eating, drinking or brushing your teeth. Do not go to the bathroom if possible. This is so that physical evidence can be collected and preserved. You do not need to decide at this time whether you want to press charges but if you save the evidence, it offers you more options in the future when you are better able to decide. The staff at SATC are trained to collect and save this type of evidence for you.

Marquette University Medical Clinic

Marquette University Medical Clinic can also provide evaluation and treatment for injuries and STIs, as well as pregnancy testing. Marquette University Medical Clinic is open Monday-Friday.

Support at MIAD

There are people at MIAD who can help you make the decisions that are right for you. MIAD’s Victim advisors can provide information about MIAD and community resources, assist you in reporting the assault and support you through each step of the process.

Holly Vanderbusch, she/her
Associate Dean of Students
(414) 847-3349

Title IX Coordinator
Mark Fetherston
Vice President for Enrollment Management
(414) 847-3215


Keith Negley: Award-winning illustrator and writer

When award-winning illustrator and author Keith Negley ’00 isn’t completing projects like his most recent book of “forgotten trailblazers,” he’s creating portraits of celebrities like Taylor Swift, Emma Stone and Chelsea Clinton, and doing editorial illustrations on topics like neurodivergence, organ transplants and the opioid crisis.

Two MIAD alumni named Mary L. Nohl Fellows for 2025

Two alumni from the Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design (MIAD) have received Emerging Artist fellowships from the 2025 Mary L. Nohl Fund for its 2025 cycle: Margaret Griffin ’23 (Fine Art + New Studio Practice) and Open Kitchen, co-founded by Rudy Medina ’12 (Integrated Studio Arts).

FYE Juried Media Arts Festival 2024 celebrates first-year student works

Seven students received awards at the Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design’s juried FYE Media Arts Festival – an in-house screening and celebration of video, animation and sound design works by current and former First-Year Experience (FYE) students held on November 26. The 56 entries were judged by multimedia and filmmaking professionals Emma B. Barany, Gabe Leistekow and Sara Sowell.

Independence First and MIAD students produce adaptive clothing

Students in a junior-level Fashion and Apparel Design class at the Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design (MIAD) collaborated with Independence First to design adaptive clothing. Two Independence First employees worked closely with MIAD students on customized outfits specific to their needs and preferences.