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hoffman-headshotIn what may be the first collaboration of its kind in the nation, the Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design and Marquette University College of Engineering are pursuing a collaborative curricular model that will excel in educating industrial design and engineering students to further meet the multidisciplinary challenges of the global marketplace.

September 25 update: Listen to an interview with MIAD’s Neil Hoffman and Marquette’s Dean Robert Bishop discuss groundbreaking curriculum incorporating engineering and design principles on UWM’s Lake Effect.

Described in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (8-19-13) as reflecting Steve Job’s and Apple’s idea of form and function, the new program will build on the success of the seven-year, semester-based collaboration between Marquette’s biomedical engineering students and MIAD’s industrial design students, along with the two institutions’ longstanding partnerships with leading industries. 

With enrollment targeted for 2015-2016, the curriculum proposal will be completed in two years. The first year is funded by $75,000 from the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation and $125,000 from an anonymous donor. Marquette and MIAD will raise an additional $200,000 in matching funds the second year, during which the proposal will be shared with the governing boards at each institution. 

Read the Journal Sentinel story “MIAD, Marquette come together to meld engineering, industrial design” to find out:

  • What industrial designers and engineers bring to the creative process
  • What the American Council on Education says about “this cutting edge initiative.”

Learn more about MIAD’s Industrial Design program.