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agnes-dziedzic-web-headshotTwo weeks into her job as Graphic Design and Marketing Systems Coordinator at Panasonic Biomedical, Agnes Dziedzic ’12 (Communication Design) found herself as the only designer in her working group – “a drastic and difficult change that turned out to be an amazing opportunity.”

Since the sudden move from new employee to group veteran, Dziedzic handles all the creative projects, and the creative direction for campaigns and projects begins with her. “This has been a great learning experience,” she said. “I am very fortunate to be where I am now.”

Dziedzic uses vital skills she learned through MIAD and her internships on a daily basis. “At MIAD, I learned how to clearly communicate and present my ideas to the audience…. [My internships] exposed me to corporate environments and taught me the importance of making my work production-ready.”

Thriving in the opportunity at Panasonic Biomedical, Dziedzic says it has “helped me broaden my design knowledge and skills, and opened new doors for design applications and ways of communication…. I am constantly producing creative work and growing my design potential every day.”

Read more about MIAD’s Communication Design program.
Read about Career Services at MIAD.