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Degree Programs / Majors

Meet the holistic connection:
Foundations, Liberal Studies and studio majors.

When you step back and look at the MIAD course of study, there are three curriculum areas that interlock to create a unified education: Foundations, Liberal Studies and studio majors. Foundations is the first year, Liberal Studies courses are taken throughout all four years, and major-specific studio courses are taken in years sophomore through senior. There are five major specializations, and 15 minors. Upon graduation, students can complete double majors, or combinations of majors and minors.

Clear? OK. Now blur the lines. Because really, while MIAD has easy-to-understand parts, the MIAD experience is about a multi-disciplinary education that impacts the whole person. You.

In Foundations, you’ll experiment with everything that MIAD offers. Two-dimensional skills such as drawing, composition, and color theory are explored and expanded. Three dimensional study is diverse, including figure sculpture, wood-shop skills, and structural design. Creative problem solving, computer skills and time-based media opportunities round out the first year.

MIAD's Degree Programs and Majors

Through Liberal Studies you will plunge headfirst into new ways of thinking about the world. The communities we are a part of, and our responsibility as cultural creators form exciting questions that are the basis of your study. You will learn to be an independent, creative learner who can research, write and speak persuasively. The work you accomplish here will feed your art and design in ways you cannot yet imagine.

And in your studio major, you will create. It is hard NOT to create. Passion flows. Spaces are full of light and energy. Inspiration is everywhere: on every wall and in the eyes and hearts of the community of artists and designers that surround you. In the studio, you will explore your major and take it farther than you ever thought possible.

This is MIAD. We’re here to give you the tools to live a successful, creative life.